We always put your donations to good use! We adore cash donations! (keep scrolling to help!) We also love non-cash donations! Since we serve so many meals, we are always seeking:
- Frozen Chicken, Beef, Pork etc.
- Fresh produce, especially salad lettuce and anything you can toss in a salad!
- Salad dressing (Ranch and 1000 Island are tops!) and other condiments.
- Coffee, regular and decaf. Our members love their coffee!
- Powdered drink mixes. (We go through so much drink mix!)
- Products for our kitchen: cups 8 oz- 12oz, divided plates, bowls, paper towels, and napkins.
- Canned goods. Fruit and veggies are so helpful!
- We always can use art supplies. Art expression is key at The Castle!
- Any gift cards are welcome (Speedway, Sam’s, Kroger, Gas, and small denomination ($5) fast food restaurants for gifts to members)